Each presidential election is the "most important", at least the most important in the last four years. More consequential, is that it is the "most important" of the next
four years, as the outcome determines the social, economic,
international trade and assistance, and the legal direction our country
will take. In the 2008 presidential election, Barack H. Obama was seen
as "the Great Unifier" by many... and as "the Messiah" by some. He won
the election, but neither of these expected "roles" were fulfilled.
Overall, both groups have been bitterly disappointed. The impending
presidential election presents us with two candidates - Obama, in hopes
of a second term, and Mitt Romney who hopes to return our country to
it's original path... that of a Democratic Republic, as opposed to a
Socialist State. Neither candidate would have been my first choice, but I
only have these two to choose from: a man whose inexperience
has shone through like the Sun in August, and whose captaincy of our
"Ship of State" has taken it severely off course, and his challenger - a
man experienced (and successful) in both business and government, and
one who is capable of making the needed course correction, but only if he gets bi-partisan support from the Congress.
As I see it, one of - if not THE - biggest stumbling blocks to any
president's success in office is the Two Party System. Each party has
their own agenda, and each will generally take a position diametrically
opposed to that of the other party, completely ignoring what may be most
beneficial for the nation as a whole in favor of showing party
solidarity. Ideally, a strong - and I emphasize STRONG - Third Party would have it's own colloquial "dog in the fight". Something other than a purebred Dalmatian or Rottweiller,
a mixed-breed watchdog that would be capable of forming a coalition
with either party in order to keep our nation on course, and tipping the
balance for or against certain legislation. Our national progress in
the last 4 or 5 decades, has been stymied by legislators who have
lost sight of their purpose in Congress - TO SERVE THE BEST INTERESTS
get the attention of those who govern us...
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